Management and supervisory board
Discover the people behind the success of our company. Our management and supervisory board members are highly experienced professionals, each with their own unique set of skills and expertise. With their guidance and leadership, we are able to provide our customers with the best possible service and products. Learn more about our team and the people who make our company great.
Supervisory Board
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is a body set up by the Supervisory Board to advise it on supervisory matters. The Audit Committee supervises the following areas:
• compliance with accounting principles;
• preparation and approval of financial budgets and reports;
• the adequacy and effectiveness of external audit performance;
• the development and operation of an internal control system (including risk management);
• the legality of operations.
ESG Committee
The ESG Committee is an advisory body established by the Supervisory Board of AS Eesti Post, with its main task being to support the Supervisory Board in the analysis, monitoring, and approval of Omniva’s sustainability strategy, related goal-setting, roadmaps, and investments. The committee focuses on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, including decisions related to fair, transparent, and goal-aligned compensation principles within the company.
The remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Board, Audit Committee, and ESG Committee
With the decision of the sole shareholder on July 19, 2017, No. 1.1-5/17-041, the chairman’s remuneration for the supervisory board of AS Eesti Post is set at 1,200 euros per month, and the member’s remuneration is set at 600 euros per month.
According to the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 87 of November 16, 2017, “Procedure for Remuneration of Members of Supervisory Boards of Foundations Established by the State and Members of the Body Participating in the Work of a Company with State Participation, and Remuneration Limits,” the sole shareholder, by decision No. 1.1-5/17-073 on November 23, 2017, determined that for a member of the supervisory board, the additional remuneration for the month in which an audit committee meeting takes place is 25% of the remuneration of a member of the company’s supervisory board, and for the chairman of the audit committee, it is 50% higher than the aforementioned remuneration.
The decision of March 2, 2022, No. 1.1-5/22-006, specifies an additional fee of 25% of the remuneration for the council member for the month in which the remuneration committee meeting takes place. Additionally, the chairman of the remuneration committee is entitled to receive a fee 50% higher than the aforementioned remuneration.
Additional remuneration is paid for the month in which a member participated in the audit committee and remuneration committee meetings. The total monthly remuneration for participating in the activities of the supervisory board bodies may not exceed 50% of the remuneration set for the supervisory board member, and for the chairman of the body, it may not exceed 75% of the remuneration set for the supervisory board member.